NiN – Beside You In Time mini-site
NiN have just launched a mini-site for the Beside You In Time DVD! There’s a new video clip on the site, with a new one appearing every week until the launch of the DVD. W00t! 😀
NiN have just launched a mini-site for the Beside You In Time DVD! There’s a new video clip on the site, with a new one appearing every week until the launch of the DVD. W00t! 😀
As seen on Ninhotline: Amongst a bunch of submission form spam about chinese food and wine, we received a number of emails about Trent’s blog on the Spiral – the new NIN album, due out in April, will be called “Year Zero.” Also, has created an entry for the Beside You in Time DVD, on track for a February 27, 2007. And from Trents Blog (Req Login): 01/10/07 : new record info nine inch nails: year zerocoming april… has just been updated with track details and a release date for the Beside You In Time live DVD/HD-DVD/Blueray! I’m really looking forward to this – The HD teaser trailer looks fantastic and may even be another reason to upgrade my TV & Xbox 360 to a HDTV & HD-DVD setup 🙂 More infoTeaser Trailer
As seen on the TVersity Development Blog: WMV transcoding for the Xbox 360 is here. Here is an early preview for the on the fly WMV transcoding feature for the 360. Since we have other stuff that needs to make it into the next release and since this is not yet ready we are releasing a patch. Please try it and let us know what you think. I’ll give this a try later on today and post the results…