First glimpse of iD’s Tech 5 hits Youtube

First glimpse of iD’s Tech 5 hits Youtube

The following was filmed yesterday at Apples WWDC conference. Link: At last! iD is producing a game engine than can handle outdoor areas and is actually LIT for a change! 🙂

Testing Windows Live Writer

Testing Windows Live Writer

This is just a quick test post written using the new Windows Live Writer beta. As I’m writing this, I’m looking at a WYSIWYG view of pretty much what my post will look like on the site – Complete with CSS styles etc applied. Seems pretty funky and so far is much nicer to use than the WordPress built-in editor.

NiN – Year Zero

NiN – Year Zero

Your order for Year Zero – Nine Inch Nails has been posted. Please note PLAY.COM will show on your statement. Please allow 3-5 days delivery. Huzzah! : Track-by-track preview of Year Zero : Track-by-track preview of Year Zero

Beginning To Solve The Mystery It’s probably the most adventurous, experimental and ballsy album released on a major label since Green Day’s revelatory American Idiot, which also happens to be its closest kin, in spirit at least. Because for all its growling electronics, squelching guitars and plinking African kalimbas, Year Zero is essentially a punk-rock album, one born of the same bold attitude that drove Green Day to jettison traditional thinking while making Idiot. But that’s about as far as…

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