New year, New Theme

New year, New Theme

I’ve finally found a new WordPress theme that I like.  So out with the old fixed-width(ish) browns & greens, and in are the new dynamic-width whites & blacks of the Atahualpa Theme. I’ve also replaced the default banner images of fruit & trees with some banners snipped from my photo collection.  They’ve turned out much better than I thought they would. Not bad for 5 mins work with Paint.NET 🙂

Google EPIC Fail

Google EPIC Fail

Looks like Google have cocked things up BIG TIME for a lot of people. Every search result is tagged as “harmful” so you can’t click through to your destination: Update: Looks like someone at Google noticed. Everything’s back to normal for me now…

Backing up Windows Server 2008 & Exchange Server 2007 With Bacula

Backing up Windows Server 2008 & Exchange Server 2007 With Bacula

UPDATE: This article is somewhat out of date. Bacula has provided a native plugin for performing backups of the database store for quite a while. Visit for more information! Over the past couple of days I’ve been battling away trying to get the Win32 Bacula agent to back up my Windows Server 2008 System State and Exchange Server 2007 Information Store Databases. Bacula currently doesn’t support VSS backups of a 64-Bit version of Windows Server 2008, so there’s a…

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Testing stuff

Testing stuff

I’ve just made a few back-end changes to my blog: Upgraded to WordPress 1.7 Updated all plugins Installed new Facebook integration plugin Upgraded to latest version of Windows Live Writer So this post is just to test all that lot is working correctly 🙂