

This evening I decided I should pick up my guitar and practice some more.  To my horror I discovered that I’ve managed to damage the nut, so one of the strings rattles around horribly 🙁 I now need to find the time to locate someone local who can do a nice repair job.  Any recommended repair shops in the Newcastle area?

BBC Internet Blog: How to start an HD channel from scratch

BBC Internet Blog: How to start an HD channel from scratch

Andy Quested has just posted an interesting entry on the BBC Internet blog called “How to start an HD channel from scratch“: I can only image the conversations John Zubrzycki (BBC Research) had with set top box manufactures in late December: John: “We are going to do a trial of HD on digital terrestrial and need to develop a set top box” Manufacturer: “Great, we can get our development team across it. What’s your timescale and how many units do…

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